International Seminar: meet Christina Schultz

International Seminar: meet Christina Schultz

Germany-born, Barcelona-based performer Christina Schults  is one of the selected artists who will join the International Seminar on Work and Happiness. Here’s a glimpse of what we can expect from her participation.

Which project will you take to Pergine?
The project is called The Laboratory of Doing Nothing – a counterproposal to overproduction. I see it as an experiment of an embodied critique towards our current focus on work. Work became the centre of our lives, the centre of our identities but it has also turned into a reason for despair, permanent fatigue and a sense of powerlessness. The workshop wants to be a collective reflection and do nothing as an attempt to switch attitudes.

What was the origin of the it?
I have developed it from my own tiredness and the pain I felt about my “working me” and all I saw around me. And I decided to stop, observe and share.

Is it work or laziness which will lead us to (collective) happiness?
The best word of the question is the word “collective”. The answer is definitely a multiple one. It is not good to respond with one idea to a system which, precisely, has a lack of alternatives. Another alternative would not put an end to the problem. So I go with collectively.

Get to know more about Christina Schultz in:

Click here to read the full list of selected projects from the call for workshops and lazyshops.

The full programme of the International Seminar (July 14, 15 a Pergine Spettacolo Aperto festival) will be unveiled early June.

