Let’s put on a show, Patras!

Let’s put on a show, Patras!

The artistic residency with Portuguese company mala voadora has already kicked off at the Apollo Theatre, in Patras (Greece).

In the upcoming weeks, director Jorge Andrade will be working with 20 citizens from Patras, setting up the play A Manual on Work and Happiness, which is due to open on March 16.

The play was written by Pablo Gisbert in a residency at L’arboreto last Summer (watch the video report).

Gisbert’s texts are now combined with an instruction manual which will be available on internet. All necessary information for the realization of the play can then be easily downloaded (“staging” instructions + texts by Pablo Gisbert + images to be printed to make the set), and any group of people, anywhere in the world, can take the initiative of doing it.

Click here to see some pictures from the first meeting with the Patras population at the Apollo Theatre.
