FRI, JULY 14 >

h. 6pm – 7.30pm / RIMIESSA CARROZZE

N.O.W. New Open Working process for the performing arts

Round Table – FREE

July 14 > 6pm-7.30pm
Venue: Rimessa Carrozze

A focus on the paradigmatic change of productive processes in the field of performing arts and their fruition by the audience. An interactive format/experience, moderated by NOW partners, that helps navigating a visual mapping of the lexicon that presents the issues and criticalities the partners have faced during the project.


N.O.W. is a network of cultural professionals working in the field of the performing arts that aims to develop a transnational laboratory platform to explore new ways of supporting artists and their processes. What might an artist’s journey look like in a larger and globalised Europe? What will it mean over the coming years to accompany artists and their processes – to support the unfolding of their work? How can we provide a positive impulse for our societies and contribute to building a European artistic environment that is diverse, creative and socially rooted?

By setting up an integrated task force and creating a face-to-face meeting with our respective practices, NOW aims to analyse in depth and in context the current situation. On the other hand we will experiment with new models of action with chosen artists, artistic communities, cultural places and the wider public.